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Version 5.9 of Icon for MS-DOS
This diskette contains executable binary files for Version 5.9
of Icon running under MS-DOS. This implementation should run on
an IBM PC, XT, AT or other 8086/88/186/286 family computer. IBM
PC hardware equivalence is not required; only DOS compatibility
is needed: PC- or MS-DOS Version 2.0 or above. It is a small
memory model implementation and requires 192 KB of memory during
execution. An 8087 will be used if it is present.
This implementation was done by Cheyenne Wills of Mechan-
icsburg, Pennsylvania. He has placed it in the public domain to
make it as widely available as possible. He also provided the
technical information contained in this document.
This material is being distributed by the University of
Arizona as a service to the computing community. It makes no war-
ranties of any kind as to the correctness or suitability of this
material for any application.
This diskette can be copied and used freely, provided the
material on it is not modified and that appropriate credit is
given where applicable. Persons who obtain a copy of this
diskette from a secondary source are encouraged to register their
copy by sending a completed copy of the registration form on this
diskette (REGIS.FRM) to:
Icon Project
Department of Computer Science
The University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721
Persons who register their copies will receive the Icon
Newsletter, which is published aperiodically, free of charge and
will be notified of corrections, new releases, and so forth.
Version 5 of the Icon programming language is described in the
following book:
The Icon Programming Language, Ralph E. Griswold and Madge
T. Griswold, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New
Jersey. 1983. ISBN 0-13-449777-5.
A brief overview of Icon is contained in the file OVERVIEW.DOC on
this diskette. Features that have been added to Version 5 of
Icon since the book was written are described in the file
EXTEN.DOC. Printed copies of these documents are available on
request from the Icon Project at the address listed above.
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Installing MS-DOS Icon
The four executable binary files need to run Icon are:
ICONT.EXE command processor
ITRAN.EXE translator
ILINK.EXE linker
ICONX.EXE interpreter
These files can be copied to any location that is accessible via
the current PATH setting.
Running MS-DOS Icon
Icon programs must have the extension .icn. An Icon program in
the file prog.icn is translated by
icont prog.icn
The result is a file with the name prog (with the extension
removed). This file can be run by
iconx prog
Alternatively, the program can be run after translation by
icont prog.icn -x
In this case the file prog also is left and can be run subse-
quently using iconx.
More information about running Icon is contained in RUN.DOC.
Testing MS-DOS Icon
There are a few programs on the distribution diskette that may
be used for testing Icon:
hello.icn This program prints the version, installation
options, time, and date. Run this test as
icont hello.icn -x
cross.icn This program prints all the ways that two words
intersect in a common character. The file
cross.dat contains typical data. Run this test
icont cross.icn -x <cross.dat
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meander.icn This program prints the "meandering strings"
that contain all subsequences of a specified
length from a given set of characters. Run this
test as
icont meander.icn -x <meander.dat
roman.icn This program converts Arabic numerals to Roman
numerals. Run this test as
icont roman.icn -x
and provide some Arabic numbers from the con-
wordcnt.icn This program tabulates the number of occurrences
of each word from the input file. Run this test
icont wordcnt.icn -x <file
where file contains some text of interest.
Features of MS-DOS Icon
MS-DOS Icon supports all the features of Version 5.9 of Icon,
including sets and the experimental features described in
EXTEN.DOC, with the following exceptions and additions:
+ Pipes are not supported. A file cannot be opened with
the "p" option.
+ There is two new options for open: "t" and "u". "t" indi-
cates that the file is to be translated into UNIX format.
All carriage-return/line-feed sequences are translated
into newline sequences on both input and output. "t" is
the default. "u" indicates that the file is to be
untranslated. Examples are:
untranfile := open("test.fil","ru");
tranfile := open("test.new","wt");
+ The IPATH environment string, as described in EXTEN.DOC
and RUN.DOC, is supported. The separator between paths
is the semicolon. The current directory is always
searched. For example,
searches the current directory, then root directory on
drive A, and finally the directory A:\ICON\LIB.
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+ Path specifications can be entered using either a / or a
\ . Examples are:
+ The following MS-DOS device names can be used as
AUX Refers to an auxiliary device.
CON Refers to the console.
PRN Refers to the printer device.
NUL Specifies a "null" file. Giving NUL as a filename means
that no file is created.
These special names remain associated with the devices
listed above, even if device designations or filename
extensions are added to them. For example, A:CON.XXX
refers to the console and is not the name of a disk file.
+ Trace output is sent to STDERR. On MS-DOS STDERR is not
re-directable from the command line.
Bugs and Limitations
Since this is a small memory model implementation, the
amount of data available for a running program is limited.
This is a new implementation and some problems with it
are likely to occur. Problems should be reported using the
trouble report form given in TROUBLE.FRM on the distribution
See RUN.DOC for a list of known bugs.
Future Plans
A large memory model implementation of Icon under MS-DOS
is underway.
Material from the Icon program library is being adapted
to MS-DOS and will be distributed separately when it is
Ralph E. Griswold
Department of Computer Science
The University of Arizona
September 30, 1985
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